Physiotherapist In Appleby-In-Westmorland, Cumbria.
Clinic locations in Appleby & Penrith

£55 - 50 minutes

Faye is registered with The Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) and Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP). A physiotherapy session lasts for 50 minutes and in this time, Faye will find out about you, carry out a thorough assessment and tailor hands on treatment and exercise prescription specifically to you.
Hands on treatments may include deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, muscle energy techniques (MET) and kinesiology taping.
For more information on these techniques see below:

A systematic review and meta-analysis of 67 articles in 2016, demonstrated that there is clear evidence supporting the efficacy of massage therapy compared to no treatment, for pain management as well as being beneficial for various function outcomes including anxiety and health related quality of life.
Crawford, C, et al (2016)
A 2019 systematic review of 9 studies looked at the effects of soft tissue mobilization on both surgical and non-surgical abdominal adhesion-related symptoms.
The results concluded that there is preliminary strong evidence that soft tissue mobilization applied to acute surgical abdominal adhesions has a positive outcome on pain, and function as well as preliminary moderate evidence for treating chronic non-surgical abdominal symptoms.
Wasserman, J, et al, (2019)
Trigger point release:
A trigger point describes a taut band within a skeletal muscle, you may feel a hard lump or “knot” as they are sometimes referred to. Trigger points are tender to the touch and can refer pain to distant parts of the body.
You can get trigger points in any muscle, and if they occur excessively, you may experience persistent pain and a decreased range of movement.
To treat a trigger point, I will apply direct pressure to encourage the muscle to release. This brings blood flow to the area and allows the body to naturally heal.
You can also try self release by:
Rolling over a tennis ball to press into your trigger points
Foam rolling over your muscles to help smooth out the connective tissue
MET (Muscle Energy Technique):
MET is a stretching technique founded in 1948 that uses a muscle’s own energy. The technique requires the therapist and patient to work together to produce a muscle contraction in a controlled position against a counter-force applied by the therapist. The technique is effective at increasing range of movement and reducing pain according to many studies including a recent 2019 study.
Thomas, E, et al. (2019).
Kinesiology taping:
Kinesiology tape is an elasticated tape applied to injured, fatigued or inflamed muscles. It is used to lift superficial skin layers and decompress the area, having an effect on pain receptors.
This can help change how your body interprets pain as well as reduce swelling and muscle fatigue.
Some research studies have also found that taping can help with ankle instability and may be preferred than using bracing as it interferes less with footwear (Chin et al, 2014, Robbins, Waked, 2019).
Other studies have found that taping can improve grip strength and muscle activity with shoulder postural taping (Williams et al, 2012).

A collaboration of physiotherapy and modified Pilates

What is physio Pilates?
The Pilates method was created during the 1920's by Joseph Pilates and consisted of 34 matwork exercises. It was developed to provide whole body fitness, strength and mobility with a large focus on deep 'core' strength.
Physio Pilates is a collaboration between these original Pilates exercises and physiotherapy knowledge of anatomy, pathology and research. The original repertoire of exercises have been modified to provide levels of difficulty and have been adapted to avoid unwanted core bracing and high loads being put through the low back.

Posture awareness
Increase muscle strength
Improve mobility & flexibility
Reduce stress and anxiety
Build deep core strength to support the spine
Effective breathing- lateral breathing is a key feature of a Pilates class. It provides focus, slows movements and of course develops lung and respiratory muscle strength.

Classes will take place in the Appleby area with a maximum number of 10 participants. All classes are mixed ability offering basic or more advance levels of each exercise.
All new members will have a one to one discussion prior to attending classes to ensure that they are confident with the foundational positions ( 5 core elements) used in Pilates and to discuss any medical conditions that may require modification of exercises.
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss this further.